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Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Introduction: I think that if many of us were asked what one thing has had the greatest impact on our lives in modern times, we would likely say the computer. Over the past twenty years or so, computers have gone from being monstrous curiosities taking up the entire space in large rooms, to relatively small boxes on almost every desk. Along with smaller size and lower prices has come an explosion in the number of PC’s, putting them within the reach of the vast majority of Americans. The speed and efficiency of the computers has made most businesses and institutions dependent on the technology. As a result, many people spend a large part of their time working with computers.The relatively recent advent of the widespread availability of the Internet has meant that even those individuals who don’t use computers at work likely use them at home to, ASurf the Net@. What this has meant is that many people are spending many hours on the computer at work and then again at home. As a result, there has been a significant increase in the reporting of health problems related to the use of computers. Posted by Picasa


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