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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Types of Depression


Types of Depression
For some people, depression can be intense and occur in bouts that last for weeks at a time. For others, depression can be less severe but can linger at a low level for years.
Doctors who treat depression distinguish between these two forms, diagnosing the more severe, short-lasting form as major depression, and the longer-lasting but less severe form as dysthymia.
A third form of depression that may be diagnosed is called adjustment disorder with depressed mood. It refers to a depressive reaction to a specific life event (such as a death, divorce, or other loss) when the adjustment to the loss takes longer than the normally expected time frame or is more severe than expected and interferes with the person's daily activities.
Bipolar disorder (also sometimes called manic depressive illness) is another depressive condition that involves periods of major depression mixed with periods of mania. Mania is the term for abnormally high mood and extreme bursts of unusual activity or energy.
What Are the Symptoms of Depression?
These are some symptoms that people have when they're depressed:
· depressed mood or sadness most of the time (for what may seem like no reason)
· lack of energy and feeling tired all the time
· inability to enjoy things that used to bring pleasure
· withdrawal from friends and family
· irritability, anger, or anxiety
· inability to concentrate
· significant weight loss or gain
· significant change in sleep patterns (inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, or get up in the morning)
· feelings of guilt or worthlessness
· aches and pains (even though nothing is physically wrong)
· pessimism and indifference (not caring about anything in the present or future)
· thoughts of death or suicide
When someone has five or more of these symptoms most of the time for 2 weeks or longer, that person is probably depressed. Sometimes people go through bouts where these symptoms are really intense; other times these same feelings could be present at a lower level all the time for years. Some people have just one episode of depression, or they may go on to have more than one after being better for a while. When a person has had more than one bout with major depression, a doctor will diagnose the person as having major depressive disorder. Posted by Picasa


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