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Sunday, August 20, 2006

What are the treatment options for girls with PCOS?

What are the treatment options for girls with PCOS?

The most common form of treatment for PCOS is the birth control pill.Even if a young woman is not sexually active, her health care provider may prescribe birth control pills because they contain the hormones that her body needs to treat her PCOS. The birth control pill may be prescribed continuously or cyclically. The birth control pill works by:

Correcting the hormone imbalance
Lowering the level of testosterone, which will improve acne and lessen hair growth
Regulating her menstrual periods
Lower the risk of endometrial cancer (which is higher in young women who don’t ovulate regularly)
Preventing an unplanned pregnancy, if she is sexually active
Are there any other medications used to treat PCOS?

Yes. A relatively new medicine which helps the body lower the insulin level is called metformin. It is particularly helpful in girls who have high levels of insulin or have pre-diabetes or diabetes. It is necessary for a young woman to have her kidney and liver function checked before taking this medication. Since this medicine isn’t appropriate for everyone, it is important to encourage a young woman to ask her doctor whether this medicine is right for her. Because a young woman may ovulate while on this medication, she will also need to use birth control if she is sexually active. Alcohol should be avoided when taking metformin. Some young women may be treated with both metformin and birth control pills at the same time.

What about treating excess hair growth?

Treatment is individually based. Options may include bleaching, waxing, depilatories, spironolactone, which is a prescription anti-hair growth medication, electrolysis, and laser treatment. A young woman may require help finding a local salon that provides high quality, cost-effective services that can help her to choose the right option for her.

Are there any special treatments for acne associated with PCOS?

There are various ways to treat acne in general, including the birth control pill, topical creams, oral antibiotics, and other medications. These treatments are not necessarily specific to PCOS. Studies have shown that when insulin and glucose levels are controlled and ovulation resumes, acne and other skin conditions may improve greatly.

What about weight loss plans?

Losing excess weight when someone is overweight may reduce some of the symptoms of PCOS. It is often beneficial for a young woman with PCOS to talk to her health care provider or nutritionist about healthy ways to lose weight and increase her exercise. Following a nutrition plan that helps manage insulin levels may help girls with PCOS manage their weight too. It also keeps the heart healthy and lowers a girl’s risk of developing diabetes. Encourage the young woman with PCOS to:

Choose nutritious, high-fiber carbohydrates instead of sugary carbohydrates
Balance carbohydrates with protein and healthy fats
Eat small meals and snacks throughout the day instead of large meals
Exercise regularly to help manage insulin levels and your weight
Is it normal for a young woman with PCOS to feel concerned about her health?

When a teen or a young woman is initially diagnosed with PCOS, she often feels confused. It is a difficult diagnosis to comprehend and the symptoms are distressing. Girls may also feel frustrated and/or sad if they are having a hard time losing weight, dealing with acne, excess body hair, and menstrual irregularities. When a health care provider takes the time to explain what PCOS is and offers treatment options, a young woman may feel relieved that at last there is an explanation and treatment for the problems she has been suffering with. Having a diagnosis without an easy cure can be difficult. However, it is important for girls with PCOS to know they are not alone. Finding a doctor who knows a lot about PCOS and who they feel comfortable talking to is very important. Keeping a positive attitude and working on a healthy lifestyle even when results seem to take a long time is very important too! Many girls with PCOS tell us that talking with a counselor about their concerns can be very helpful. Other girls recommend Internet chats such as:

Is there anything else I should know?

It is important that girls with PCOS follow-up regularly with their doctor and take their medication. The prescribed treatment will regulate her periods and lessen her chance of getting diabetes and other problems. Because young women with PCOS have a slightly higher chance of developing diabetes, her doctor may suggest that she have her blood sugar tested once a year or have a glucose challenge test every few years. Girls who are on hormonal pills to treat PCOS and who smoke should receive counseling on smoking cessation.

Reminding girls with PCOS about the benefits associated with good nutrition and physical exercise is the first step in helping them take charge of their health. Understanding and learning more about PCOS will help you to be supportive to the many teens and young women dealing with this challenging health problem. Offering resources such as educational websites and monitored Internet chats can provide much needed support


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