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Friday, November 24, 2006

I am eight months pregnant

I am eight months pregnant and scared of the pain of giving birth. Can I opt for a caesarean section?

This is an honest and completely normal feeling to have at this stage in your pregnancy, and you still have time to address it.

It is important for you to understand that having a caesarean section will also involve pain for you -- but after the birth, not before it. Although you will be given good pain relief while in hospital, you will be recovering from a major abdominal operation, with associated pain and weakness, for at least six weeks following the birth. It's also important to know that you are more likely to develop complications, such as infection and fever, after a caesarean birth.

There are many strategies open to you for coming to terms with the pain of labour:
• Talk to someone who knows you very well and whom you trust, about how you have dealt with pain in the past. When you compare labour with other painful experiences you may realise that you are stronger and more powerful than you thought. Labour is the start of the journey through parenting, and the strength you find within yourself at this time will stand you in good stead for the rest of your life.
• Research has shown that an important factor in improving the labour experience for women is to have good one-to-one support. Talk to your partner, your family, or your friends to find someone who will give you encouraging and positive support. You may be able to employ a birth supporter or doula. Doulas are trained and experienced in supporting labouring women. They can really help to reduce fear and anxiety and to promote good labour progress.
• There are effective methods of pain relief available to you in hospital, such as an epidural. Talk to your midwife or doctor about these, and ask them to help you prepare a birth plan, so that your wishes are clear to everybody looking after you.
• Choosing a caesarean section is one of the options available to you. You may find that you and the baby are affected physically and emotionally for some time afterwards in ways that you did not foresee. It may, however, be the right decision for you.


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