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Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Whether standing or sitting, there is a neutral position for the back, neck, arms, and hands. This is the position that puts the least amount of strain on a given part of the body. Postures that differ from the neutral position increase stress on the body. The illustrations below show positions that are good and bad for different parts of the body.
The wrists should be straight while keying. Operating the computer with the wrists bent backwards (extension) or forward (flexion) should be avoided.
The computer operator should be able to reach the keyboard or mouse while keeping the shoulders and upper arms relaxed and bending the elbows at a 90 degree angle.
The operator's back and neck should be straight while at the computer. The top of the monitor should be slightly below eye level. The worker should not have to tilt the head backward or turn to the side to see the screen. Posted by Picasa


At 2:59 PM, Blogger MANOJ AP said...

goog one..vist my blog too


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