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Sunday, August 20, 2006

Headaches: tension

Headaches: tension

Tension headaches usually begin with a dull, aching pain on both sides of the head that gradually increases in severity. A tension headache is often described as, "My head feels like it is in a vise." The pain is usually worse at the back of the head. Tension headaches may recur for many days on end and are often triggered by stress, fatigue, or noise.
These headaches are quite common. It is not easy to determine just what causes them in any one person. Muscle tension plays a role, as do the day-to-day pressures of life. Researchers now believe changes in the levels of certain chemicals in the brain can cause tension headaches.

Tension headaches may be triggered by:

tiredness or fatigue
eating too little or too much
work stress
poor posture
lack of exercise
major life changes
depression or anxiety or
injury, such as a car accident
Over-the-counter medicines may be used to relieve the pain, however, carefully review the label directions and precautions for other health considerations before taking these medications. Contact your physician before taking any pain relievers if you have high blood pressure.

It is important to relieve tension and remove the stressors from your life. If simple self-care measures do not help, a healthcare provider can prescribe a medication that may help control the pain associated with a tension headache. Unusually severe headaches, or headaches associated with changes in nerve or muscle function, should be evaluated right away.

Self-care to prevent and relieve muscle-tension headaches:

identify and avoid those things that cause you stress
rest in a quiet setting until symptoms improve
avoid tobacco and alcohol use
eat regular, healthy meals
get regular exercise and adequate sleep
learn to use relaxation techniques and
take time out for fun
One or more of these will usually help. More often, we must learn ways to cope with preventing a tension headache.


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