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Sunday, October 15, 2006

Cord blood banking

Cord blood banking is becoming increasingly popular with expecting parents all over the world, but just what is cord blood banking? Cord blood banking is the process of collecting and storing your child’s umbilical cord blood in order to use the stem cells contained within that blood. Many people are confused as to just what stem cells are and how they can help you.

Unlike embryonic and fetal stem cells, which are a very controversial source of stem cells, and bone marrow, a harder to come by source of stem cells, those stem cells found in cord blood have been used to treat numerous diseases. And the list of what these stem cells can help with keeps growing as researchers discover new and more effective ways to use the stem cells.

When it comes to cord blood banking, parents have two choices: they can either store their child’s stem cells privately or donate them to a public bank. Many parents have a hard time deciding which is better, donation or private storage. The right choice is up to each individual family, but there are a number of issues you need to consider when you are deciding on cord blood banking.

One of the biggest issues with private storage is the price. While the initial cost can seem a bit overwhelming, it is important to remember just what goes into a company’s pricing.

Another problem for some couples is the lack of access to donate. Although donating is a good choice, a number of couples have found that, when they look in to how to donate, the hospital in which they plan to give birth does not participate in such a program. This obstacle can make it difficult for a couple to pursue donation.

If the time ever comes that your child or another family member needs a stem cell transplant, it is important to understand just what is involved when it comes to performing a transplant. Who will be a suitable match? How will those stem cells be found and prepared? Learning the answers to these important questions may help you decide whether private or public banking is best for you.

Once you have decided just what you would like to do, whether it is privately bank or donate, it is important that you create a checklist so that you stay organized before the birth of your baby.


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