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Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Carpal tunnel syndrome (also known as median neuritis) is a painful condition of the hands and wrists. It is caused by pressure on the median nerve, which runs from the shoulder, down the arm, to the hand. In advanced cases, carpal tunnel syndrome can make the simplest chore or activity impossible, such as holding a frying pan, folding laundry, or lifting an infant.
Symptoms: In addition to pain, the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include numbness and tingling in the hands. These symptoms are usually felt in the first three fingers and the base of the thumb. Often the pain and other symptoms are worse at night or during sleep.
The figure on the left shows the parts of the hand and wrist that are involved. Tendons of the fingers, blood vessels, and the median nerve all pass through what is called the carpal tunnel. The carpal tunnel is formed by the carpal ligament in the wrist. Swelling and steady irritation of the tendons that pass through the carpal tunnel create pressure on the median nerve.
Risk factors: The major causes of carpal tunnel syndrome are:
working with bent wrists;
a high rate of repetition using the hands;
a lack of rest for the hands and wrists; and
forceful hand motions.
All of these risk factors are not necessary to get carpal tunnel syndrome. For example, VDT operators get carpal tunnel syndrome even though modern computers only require a very light force to press the keys. The awkward posture, intense keying, and lack of rest periods are more than enough to cause problems.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a very serious injury. It can occur in one wrist, or both (bilateral carpal tunnel). Carpal tunnel syndrome affects workers in many industries such as meatpacking, grocery checkout, and assembly work. AFSCME members, especially among those who work with computers, are also victims of carpal tunnel syndrome. Early and proper treatment is important for this condition. Treatment should start out conservatively with rest and physical therapy. Surgery should not be the first choice. The person's job may have to be redesigned to remove or reduce risk factors at work. Otherwise, the symptoms are likely to get worse and require surgery to relieve the pain. Posted by Picasa


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