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Thursday, March 02, 2006

Common computer related syndromes:

Common computer related syndromes:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition that occurs when the median nerve is squeezed as it crosses the wrist to enter the hand. The median nerve arises at the level of the sixth cervical vertebra in the neck. It supplies the muscles of the forearm responsible for pronating the forearm or turning it inwards. It also supplies the muscles that bend the middle finger as well as the muscles of the thumb. It also provides sensation for the palmar surface of the thumb, index and middle fingers and half of the ring finger. The Carpal Tunnel is an area on the palm side of the wrist bordered on one side by the carpal bones and on the other by the Carpal Ligament, a fibrous band. Because these structures are quite rigid, if edema or other conditions cause a shrinkage of the space in the tunnel, the structures within the tunnel come under increasing pressure.It has been recognized that repetitive movement at the wrist, as occurs with prolonged use of a computer keyboard can lead to inflammation in the carpal tunnel and the resultant painful syndrome. Patients usually feel pain in the forearm area as well as numbness in the affected hand in the finger distribution described above.Treatment:If the symptoms are not very severe, CTS is treated conservatively with rest, warm compresses, wrist splints (worn mainly at night), anti-inflammatory medications and sometimes steroid injections. If the symptoms are severe or worsening, a surgical carpal ligament release procedure may be necessary.Eye Strain:Long hours staring at a computer screen will inevitably lead to asthenopia or eyestrain. Persons tend not to blink as frequently, which also leads to drying of the eyes. Over a prolonged period, this can lead to some deterioration in vision especially in those prone to visual problems.In order to prevent this, it is suggested that one take regular breaks from staring at the screen maybe with brief eye closure.Neck and Back Pain:Poor positioning of the keyboard and monitor in relation to the user can lead to discomfort of the neck and back. The monitor screen should be at a level such that the user can easily see the screen with the head held at a comfortable and neutral position. If the head has to be constantly turned or tilted in order to see the screen, this will lead to chronic aches and pains in the neck area. This along with any eye strain that occurs can lead to tension headaches. The chair or keyboard stand should be adjusted so that when sitting with the hands resting on the keyboard, the elbows should be slightly above the wrists. The chair should have firm lumbar support and it is important that the individual maintain good posture to minimize back strain.Depression:Another syndrome more recently recognized and associated primarily with the Internet is depression. A recent study found a high degree of correlation between the time spent on line, including chat rooms, and an increased incidence of depression. It is believed that at least some of the individuals who spend long periods of time on line may have somewhat unfulfilled social lives. This is very likely the reason they spend many hours on line in the first place. However, the time on line may also serve to magnify the very loneliness the user may have been attempting to blunt. It is also likely that as one spends more and more time on the computer, it naturally takes away from the time the individual has for normal social or family relations and this in turn may lead to depression.Electromagnetic Radiation:There has been much debate about the possible effects of electromagnetic radiation. Most people agree that long term exposure to strong EMR fields, as occur near high voltage lines, can lead to health problems over the years. What is not clear is whether exposure to the much weaker fields that are generated by computers and other types of electronic equipment present any threat to one’s health. To date there has been no clear evidence of a link. However, computers are still in their relative infancy and so we do not have decades of data to go on. Also this is really the first generation of children with widespread access to and use of computers. The odds are though, that no one will suffer significant ill effects from the weak EMR fields generated by computers.The following recommendations for prevention of computer related injuries have been recently issued and posted on the Internet:Work Habits: Posted by Picasa


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