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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Turmeric Health Benefits

Turmeric, known by the name of haldi in India, is a member of the ginger family. It is scientifically known by the name of ‘Curcuma Longa’ and has been accorded to impart a number of health benefits to its users. Infact, it has been in existence as a healing factor in Ayurveda, since ages. Turmeric extract has been known to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiseptic properties, mainly present in curcumin – one of its active ingredients. In the following lines, we have mentioned the health benefits arising from the use of turmeric.

Health Benefits of Turmeric

* Turmeric has antiseptic properties. Putting its powder over cuts, bruises, or scrapes helps in stopping blood loss as well as healing the wounds.
* Drinking boiled milk, with a little turmeric powder in it, helps in the strengthening of bones.
* The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric powder help in alleviating the pain associated with arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
* Taking turmeric on a regular basis helps in the reduction of fats, thus aiding in weight loss.
* Turmeric powder, when consumed regularly, helps improve blood circulation and also purifies blood.
* Studies have shown that turmeric helps in prevention and blockage of the growth of melanoma tumor cells, breast cancer, colon cancer and other cancers.
* Turmeric extract is believed to cure liver problems as well as prevent bad cholesterol.
* Turmeric has been said to help reduce the risk of childhood leukemia.
* Turmeric powder aids the healing process and remodeling of damaged skin.
* Turmeric has been known to be helpful in treating psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions.
* Turmeric is said to be very good for digestion.
* Turmeric powder, when mixed with cucumber lemon or juice, helps in the reduction of pigmentation.
* Paste of turmeric and milk cream or turmeric and curd, when applied on stomach, helps in lightening of stretch marks.
* Applying a paste of turmeric, gram flour and milk cream is believed to help in giving a glow to the skin.

Here are just a few of the various benefits of turmeric:

Reduces Pigmentation

Plagued with pigmentation? Turmeric can help even out your skin tone and colour. Simply apply a little turmeric mixed with cucumber juice or lemon to the affected area. Leave on for fifteen minutes or more, and wash off. Do this everyday, and gradually you will notice your skin colour returning to normal.

Strengthens Bones

Drink a quarter glass turmeric juice every night, with milk. The best way to have this is to take a ½ inch piece of turmeric and boil it with half a glass of milk. Once the milk has turned yellow, remove from fire, let it cool slightly, and sip this. This will cure numerous ailments. Women especially should drink this every night, as it strengthens bones and reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis.

Softens the Body

Turmeric is a wonderful body scrub, which is why Indian brides apply a turmeric and gram flour (besan) mix to their entire body, the morning of the wedding. It leaves your skin soft, smooth and glowing. Of course, a single application will not really make that much of a difference. Do this regularly, and watch your skin change for the better - much better.

Makes the Skin Supple

If you are planning a pregnancy, apply a mixture of turmeric and malai or turmeric and curd to your stomach and waist before going for a bath. Leave it on for fifteen minutes, and wash off. If desired, you could even apply this mixture after bathing. After you have washed off the soap, apply the malai and haldi mixture, leave it on for five minutes, and wash off only with water. Gently, wipe your stomach with the towel. The sooner you start this routine, the more supple and elastic your skin will become, and after giving birth, you will not be left with unsightly stretch marks.

Inhibits Cell Damage

Turmeric is an excellent anti-oxidant, which essentially means that it stabilizes unstable oxygen molecules. These are known as free radicals, and are what cause damage to cells, leading to ageing and various other diseases such as cancer.

Fights Diarrhoea

Turmeric fights the bacteria that causes diarrhoea, so the next time your stomach starts 'running', reach for some haldi. German health authorities have officially declared turmeric herbal tea to be a cure for loose stools.

All around the world you can now avail of turmeric in the form of teas, capsules, tinctures, lotions, ointments and powder. However, here, you have access to turmeric in its purest form, so make the most use of it.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Reduce Stomach Fat & Get A Flat Stomach

How to reduce stomach fat?

It is so hard to keep your reduce stomach fat and keep your belly flat and trim. It doesn't matter if your 120lbs or 200lbs, most people have a hard time getting and keeping a flat stomach.

In fact, a fat stomach can look even worse on someone who is slim than on someone who is not.

Stomach fat is not just ugly and unfashionable, it can be the sign of more problems than just obesity.
So why do you have stomach fat? And how to reduce stomach fat? Firstly, there are a few reasons why you don't have a flat stomach.

Get a flat stomach

1. Are you overweight or obese?

If you are carrying too much fat overall, it is likely that your bulging stomach is due to your extra weight.

However, this fat on your stomach should be an unobtrusive continuation of the curves of your body, not a pronounced bulge on the lower abdomen. If you're not overweight yet you still have a pronounced fat stomach, don't blame the size of your belly on fat. The answer here is not to diet more and eat less, but to look at other reasons why your stomach is extra rounded, and different ways to reduce stomach fat.

It is impossible to spot reduce on any part of your body, so if your stomach is a result of being overweight then you will need to reduce weight all over. To get started losing weight, an online diet plan will help you you reduce stomach fat.

If you go on a low calorie dietwithout following a regimen and getting support, you may find that you reach your target but your body is still unhealthy and you still have a flabby stomach instead of a flat one!

2. Are your stomach muscles weak?

Poor muscle tone in the abdominal region is another reason for a fat stomach, but it's not likely to be the only cause.

Your abdominal muscles need regular work to keep fit, just like your biceps. So if you have not been doing regular core-building exercises, chances are this is one of the reasons why your stomach is not flat.

If you have been doing hundreds of sit ups for weeks and not seeing any results, guess what? I believe you! Sit ups are not going to give you a flat stomach, but they have probably given you a sore back. Traditional sit ups only exercise some of the muscles in your stomach, but not all of them.
By following a simple regimen of core-building exercises, you can gain a strong set of muscles that will reduce stomach fat and make your belly flat.

3. Have you got good posture?

Most people don't have an ideal posture, sitting in front of a computer or TV screen is enough to end up with bad posture, and this contributes to having stomach flab.

In order to correct your posture you have to have the desire to do so and then the right exercises to get your back muscles into the right shape.
The weaker your stomach muscles are, the worse your posture is going to get, and it's a vicious cycle as lower back pain reduces ones desire to do abdominal exercise, and the problem just gets worse.

4. Are you eating for a flat stomach?

Depending on your diet your fat stomach could be a matter of bloating from eating the wrong types of foods.

Some foods cause us to retain fluid, for women, this can become worse at certain times of the month, meaning that for 2 weeks of every month, fluid retention is a problem.

If you body is having problems digesting certain foods you may be feeling bloated and possibly have a problem with gas.

If you are eating too fast you could be inhaling air with your food, giving your belly that bloated appearance.

An online diet plan might be just the right thing to boost your metabolism and get reduce stomach fat.

Foods that help reduce bloating

The size of your belly depends on various factors, such as your weight, your posture, the strength of your stomach muscles and even what you ate for your last meal.

Some foods will help you reduce your belly fat, while others will make you feel bloated. If you have a food allergy you probably feel bloated all the time, you may have tried many ways to lose belly fat but nothing has worked. This is because certain foods make you bloated. The most common foods for bloating are milk and wheat.

If you are often bloated, keep a food diary, and note what you are eating, portion sizes, and when you feel more or less bloated. This will help to show which foods are making you bloated. It's important that if you think you have a food intolerance or allergy that you see your doctor.

Foods that help reduce water retention

* Fresh fruit - particularly watermelon, pineapple, citrus fruits,

* Salads - tomatoes, celery, lettuce, cucumber

* Green tea

* Natural live yoghurt (unsweetened)

Foods to help reduce bloating & gas

* Peppermint tea

* Chamomile tea

* Ginger (fresh)

Foods to Avoid

* White bread / flour / pasta

* Milk pudding eg tapioca, rice pudding

* Doughnuts

* High salt foods like olives, pastrami, pizza

* Smoked salmon

* Coffee

* Chocolate

* Fatty meats

* Raw onion

* Beer / lager

* Alcohol

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