What is PASS? Why is it a real syndrome?There's a lot of controversy about Post Abortion Stress Syndrome. Prolife activists claim PASS is real, and affects every woman who has an abortion. Prochoice activists claim it does not exist, and is a myth made up by prolifers to help in their "fight to make abortion illegal". Prochoice activists claim that PASS is a 'scare tactic' to try and pressure women into not choosing an abortion, and to pressure congress into making abortion illegal."
So what's the 'truth'? To date, there have been conflicting "official" studies on whether PASS exists or not. I believe that PASS does exist as a real syndrome. I am neutral on the issue, yet I have experienced PASS, and I know through my own experiences and the experiences of other women that PASS is real. I feel we need to provide information and support for women before and after an abortion, and if a woman experiences PASS after an abortion, we need to reach out to her and help her through any problems she might have. Of course any woman who's experienced Post Abortion Stress Syndrome doesn't need me or anyone else to convince her it's real. We know, from what we have felt! It's real, and we are now learning by ourselves how to deal with it. When the rest of the world eventually catches up, and recognizes PASS for the serious issue it is, we'll be waiting! In the meantime this site and it's resources will help other women to feel less alone in their struggle with this problem.
Officially, here's the "Webster's Dictionary" definition of a 'syndrome':
1 : a group of signs and symptoms that occur together and characterize a particular abnormality
2 : a set of concurrent things (as emotions or actions) that usually form an identifiable pattern
That's the definition of a "Syndrome", and PASS fits that definition. Much of the mainstream world still does not acknowledge its existence. However, let's remember that abortion has only been legal and widely practiced for twenty-some years. There is no long history of how women react to legal abortion, for people to really know. As recently as fifty years ago, intelligent, educated and experienced professional mental health clinicians were teaching that schizophrenia was caused by poor parenting. Usually they blamed mothers! Today, we know that schizophrenia is caused by a brain chemical disorder, and we have also discovered that some of the other mental health problems that have been blamed on "bad parenting" are also caused by aberrant brain chemical reactions or other physiological problems. At one time, people with clinical depression were only said to have "poor coping skills"! Now today depression as well as other mental illnesses are treated successfully with medication. Note that I am NOT equating Post Abortion Stress Syndrome with these illnesses, or saying that it is caused by a brain chemical disorder. It may have some hormonal components to it, related to the interruption of pregnancy, but we don't know yet. I am just pointing out that one day researchers and doctors tell you that a certain illness is "just in people's mind's", or "Not proven", or a "myth" then later they change their tune, and say "Well, we were wrong, it is an illness, after all". Scientists are people who make judgements based on what they see and can measure, and as a result of tests conducted. If you can't test it and prove it statistically, then to scientists it is 'not real'. If they drop a glass of milk 100 times and it spills out to the left every time, then they are convinced that when you spill a glass of milk, it will "always" spill to the left. That is, until someone spills one to the right. Then all kinds of controversy breaks out, chaos rules, what they "know" to be real has been changed, and some change their mind about the way milk spills. Still others will not believe the findings of the "Right Spill" experiment. And on and on the scientists will go. Scientists at one time said that:
It was impossible to break the sound barrier.
They also said it was impossible for a man to walk on the moon.
They also said cloning of complex animals was impossible.
They laughed at the idea that mold could somehow kill bacteria - until Penicillin.
Louis Pasteur was told his theory of 'germs' was 'ridiculous fiction'.
Science is nothing more than people making assumptions based on the information they have at the time. When that information changes, then so does the opinion of the scientific community.
What do Scientists Like to Study?
Most scientists and researchers are men, and most of them are interested in 'cool' science, spending lots of time, money and effort on abstract things like "measuring the age of the universe". They want to study interesting, high tech, ground-breaking issues. So the issue of 'abortion', and 'how women feel afterwards' is not that type of topic. No matter what type of issue they discover surrounding abortion, either the prolife or Prochoice side will bash them publicly, in an intense media circus. They will be vilified by either side, depending on what they research and report on. Scientists don't want to deal with that, or with politics - so they avoid subjects like abortion, or abortion research. They prefer to stick to the cool, neutral, 'real science' stuff. For example, check out this daily news feed, that discusses what scientists are currently reporting and researching on. You'll find very little about abortion or birth control, but plenty about giant icebergs in Antarctica, fruit fly genetics breeding, cloning, nuclear/radioactive experiments, ect.
Hormonal Trigger?
My personal theory is that PASS within the first few months following an abortion may have a hormonal trigger as part of the reason for the woman's suffering. It's common knowledge that some women experience PMS in such a severe way that they are driven to extreme reactions, and can even be given medication for treatment of PMS. Other women don't have a single symptom of PMS at all. Some women have postpartum depression after the birth of the baby, that can become so severe she must be hospitalized, and/or treated with medication. Other women remain blissfully full of joy from delivery date onward, and don't have one minute of depression after her baby's birth. Some women become extremely sick and nauseated in the first few months of pregnancy, occasionally so severely ill that they must be hospitalized and rehydrated with IV fluids, ect. Other women "glow" in the early months of pregnancy and never even feel queasy. Some women have a severe reaction to hormonal methods of birth control, such as the Pill, Depo-Provera and Norplant. These reactions can be so severe that the women are unable to use hormonal methods of birth control. Other women use hormonal methods with no side effects. What do all these examples have in common? They are triggered by hormones, sensitivities to hormones and fluctuation in hormone levels. So I theorize that women who are sensitive to hormonal fluctuations or hormonal level changes are also very susceptible to PASS. I believe the reason why some women feel suicidal, or severely depressed, or unable to function or cope after an abortion might be hormonal. There is also the emotional aspect, if the woman felt coerced, pressured, or like she had 'no other choice' - these are also definitely contributing factors. I think the hormonal factor is also very important, and has been overlooked by researchers so far. No studies have been done to date (by my knowledge) about the possible hormonal connection with PASS.
For more details on this, and about how the medical community ignores PASS because of the politics involved, see this article PMDD real and PASS Not?? (PMDD - Pre Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder is the new medically approved name for PMS)
The Woman's "Fault"?
Women are usually afraid or embarrassed to even admit to having an abortion, let alone talk to anyone else about problems she might be having. Women are encouraged to think it is 'their fault' if they have trouble after an abortion, and that the abortion itself had nothing to do with how she feels, and that PASS is just some 'anti-choice myth'. It's interesting how if a man goes off to a war, and comes back with "PTSD" (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), we don't 'blame the man', and 'protect' the war, we admit it was the war that caused his PTSD. We don't refuse to help the man, and belittle him or invalidate his pain by saying he had 'previous psychological problems', or other issues in his life that caused the PTSD - we admit it was the whole stress and experience of war, and we help him, support him, allow him a name for his experience and treat him. Yet when a woman has an abortion, and is traumatized by the whole experience, and develops "PASS" (Post Abortion Stress Syndrome), people are quick to 'blame the woman', and "protect abortion", and claim there's no way the abortion could have caused this, the woman must have had pre-existing problems, and it's 'her fault' she is suffering. And the woman is left alone to suffer, with no help, treatment, support or a name for her experience. The fierce war between people who have differing views on the legality of abortion has turned into a war that is hurting women, as people go out of their way to minimize women's problems after an abortion, and "blame the woman" for any trouble she is having. I am in the middle with my views, as I believe that abortion should remain legal and safe, and that every woman has the right to make her own choices concerning her body and her life. However, women and their families need to know that Post Abortion Stress Syndrome is a real problem, and can be a serious complication after an abortion.
Consider this:
Majority of doctors and researchers = Men
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder = main sufferers almost exclusively men
Men's Diagnosis for Men? = A real and serious problem for men, that needs a name, a listing in medical books, and real treatment and help.
Post Abortion Stress Syndrome = main sufferers exclusively women
Men's diagnosis for Women? = Well, just like PMS used to be thought of, these silly women just exaggerate something - it's all in their heads. No such thing as Post Abortion Stress Syndrome.
Male Doctors and Researchers say "it's not real - after all it's 'their choice', how could they be upset about it? How could a woman who chooses to go have an abortion feel upset about it afterwards? Why would women regret or have problems after a surgical/medical procedure they chose to have? This is not 'logical' to male doctors/researchers, and they don't have any 'scientific evidence' to say otherwise, so they assume PASS must be something made up by prolifers, or 'antichoicers', or the women must have had 'previous psychological problems' to be upset by an abortion." Again, let's blame the victim, let's blame the woman, and discourage any help or treatment for them. Even if the women DID have "previous psychological problems", shouldn't they be doing everything they could to help these women? Shouldn't clinics be screening for them before an abortion, and providing extra support and help for these women after an abortion? Yes, they should! But they don't. I have also found this attitude to be rampant in women who have not had abortions themselves, yet are perfectly sure about how women feel after an abortion, and list reasons why an abortion would never affect women in the manner we claim. I tell them of the multitude of women I have spoken with, who before they ever had an abortion, felt the same way. Yet after their abortion, they understood PASS completely, and were just amazed at how little press is being given to this real and serious syndrome. I have told many of these women that after they have personally experienced an abortion, they may change their mind. They assure me "They would never have any problems of any type after an abortion". It still doesn't get through to the others. They refuse to believe that a woman who chooses an abortion could have problems afterwards.
Male doctors and researchers don't understand PASS or even believe in it's existence, and I think it is difficult for them. It took years to convince them that PMS was real, and I think that only came about after there were enough women doctors to convince them! This quote from Criss provides a good explanation of why men don't understand PASS.
"Men and women experience the world in such totally different ways. Men tend to intellectualize things, and women, although we too will intellectualize things, tend to experience things in a more emotional and spiritual way. I think that this is due to the fact that women's identities and experience are very rooted in their physical bodies, whereas men's identities tend to be tied up in their accomplishments. I think that this is both natural and cultural. Women experience menstruation, hormones, ovulation, pregnancy, birth, breast feeding, menopause, etc.., etc.. Outside of career, success, providing, protecting, etc.., men do not really experience life through their bodies. Even though women have many of the same life experiences that men have, we have the added element of physical influence. I guess it is for this reason that I do not think that men can truly understand, nor have a basis for understanding PASS." I think that a woman who has not had an abortion at least has some basis to relate on some level, but then again I do not think that even they can understand PASS fully. It is a unique experience, and so far I have found that only PASS women can read a post from another PASS woman and say "YES!! I know exactly how that feels!!"
Let me tell you a little more on my opinion on 'studies and research' in general. As you probably know, the way they are conducted is that subjects get a phone call or postcard, and if they CHOOSE to respond, they can give their input and their opinion on how well they assimilated the experience. And when I was called for one such study about abortion a few years ago, I said "NO!!!" and immediately hung up the phone, because it was an upsetting topic to me. I did not want to think about it or discuss it at all. I became paranoid wondering how they had got my name to even call and ask me such a thing! Just getting that phone call gave me stomachaches for a week afterwards! I was in no way ready to deal with my feelings surrounding abortion yet. Also women who are in hospitals because of complications surrounding their abortion, or ones who have left their partner, or quit their job and moved, you won't find those women either to participate in the surveys. On the same subject, you wouldn't believe how many women (who had elective abortions not for medical reasons) tell me they lie to their doctors, their families, and their psychiatrists, simply never even mentioning they've had an abortion, or saying 'they had a miscarriage' or they 'lost the baby', or implied there was a medical problem or something else that they had no control over. The actual amount of women who tell the truth about their abortions is apparently very small. Shoot, I had five abortions, and I never told any of my doctors until after the fifth one! So you only get the responses of women who are "doing good" and "feel good with their decision". Again, I am not saying that everyone gets PASS from an abortion. There are some women who have an abortion, and for them it works exactly as it's 'supposed' to, and they never have regrets, or complications, or any other problems, and for them it was a good thing. They feel nothing but relief, and go on to have a happy, wonderful life, and never have one moment of regret, and have absolutely no complications. That's fine! I am very happy for these women. But for many more, their abortion was a coerced experience, forced by parents, forced by partners, forced by circumstances or finances, and these women usually have many more problems with PASS afterwards. We should not discriminate against women who do get PASS, just because some women DON'T get it. The real studies are not being done, the real numbers are not known. That's why I started my site, because I couldn't believe that I was the only one feeling the way I did - and all that research and the APA (American Psychiatric Association) proclamations sounded so directly contrary to what I had experienced in my own life. Once the site was up and running, I found my suspicions were correct - there were thousands of other women out there like me, suffering and silent, because they were afraid to speak up. Now with the anonymity of cyberspace, women are becoming free to talk about this issue, and find help and healing for it.
People have asked me "Why are you trying to make a disease out of something that is just normal feelings of guilt and/or grief? My answer is that PASS is NOT just normal feelings of guilt and grief, it is a group of signs and symptoms that occur together and characterize this particular illness, and there is a set of concurrent emotions or actions that usually form an identifiable pattern for these women. This meets the criteria for calling something a "Syndrome". What I ask is why are people so prejudiced against women who've had abortions, and why are they so eager to discount a problem associated with abortion? PMS only affects 3-5% of women of child-bearing age - yet it is currently recognized as a 'syndrome'. It bothers me that male doctors and researchers, women who've never had abortions themselves, and prochoice majority in general can belittle us and brush PASS off as "women making it up" or just women having "previous psychological problems". Blame the woman, protect abortion. It's the 'holy grail' of women's reproductive rights, and any attempts to discuss PASS is not being studied or investigated, because of the highly controversial nature of this illness. Most research is funded by companies that can have a dollar return on the bottom line study, and no company wants to touch the political suicide that this topic is. Women suffer in silence, afraid to talk about what they are feeling, and what is happening, and they don't tell anyone about what is going on with them, so doctors, researchers and the public at large thinks there is no such thing as PASS.
I can say Post Abortion Stress Syndrome is a 'real' illness, because of my own experiences, and from all the input I have had from other women. A regular, identifiable pattern of feelings, emotions and stages for PASS has emerged.
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Here are the stages that I have identified for Post Abortion Stress Syndrome. They are listed in the order that I consider 'normal'. However, women can start with different stages, can skip stages, can start with one stage, progress, and then go back to another stage! There is no set 'time' that a woman spends in these stages. Some stages may last a few days, or weeks, and some may last years! There is also varying levels of 'intensity' that women will experience with these stages. While stage 3 might be mildly upsetting for one woman, another woman may become seriously suicidal in that part. As more studies are done, we will be able to refine this better. I recommend that any woman experiencing PASS, in ANY stage, should seek professional help to help her deal with this. For help on finding a counselor or depression therapy, see the Counseling Help Page
content from http://afterabortion.com/faq.html